Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Olympics Siverlight missing?
Hmm, cleaning out my bookmarks, I opened up the NBC Olympics site. At the height of the 2008 Olympics they had been running Microsoft's Silverlight pretty heavily all over the place. Today, because I run NoScript on Firefox, I see a big pre-loading box saying - download Adobe flash 7 or higher all over the place. The videos still seem to use silverlight though... Ah I'm probably just remembering wrong.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Sun Images

(from Digg)
Friday, November 21, 2008
Bailout Opinion
Not that it would ever happen, but I think that if the taxpayers are bailing out the Big 3 automakers, we should basically require them to be broken up into smaller independent companies. Down the line, if they waste the opportunity (ahem Chrysler), then at that point, they should be small enough to fail and would be replaced by healthier, more responsive companies that can restart from a fresh perspective -- like Aptera or Tesla or Wrightspeed (and those are just the exciting ones there are more boring competitors...).
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Eclipse DTLK and Ruby
I've started playing with the Eclipse in general and the Eclipse dynamic languages toolkit (DTLK) specifically for it's Ruby support. The 1.0M3 version doesn't seem to be the update servers so I downloaded the full package version and unzipped it into my local eclipse install. The "Mx" numbers must be prerelease milestones.
So far the experience has been much better in general than past forays into using both Eclipse in general, CDT, and RDT (though that was quite a while ago for all of the above). I havent tried, but I don't think this version doesn't seem to have any particular support for rails, however I'm mostly doing quick algorithmic prototyping or utility scripts in Ruby.
One nice feature is the binding of build configurations to a specific ruby interpreter so, on my Mac, it's a nice way to develop and play around with an install of ruby 1.9. Also, I do like to support for unit tests and execution. It also automatically indexes and pulls up rdoc strings. Both nice touches, though I have yet to figure out if there's a way to configure a Ruby project to autorun the unit tests while you type or for every resource save.
The DTLK project in Eclipse is a smart project in that it seems to building a foundation of eclipse support for dynamic languages in general - and there has to be a lot of commonality there. So I'm looking forward to getting more comfortable in the DTLK Ruby environment.
I have some motiviation as I'm also trying out eclipse for embedded development using CDT configured with an embedded toolchain. Eclipse Ganymede is a much nicer enviroment for code browsing than many of the mini-embedded IDE's provided by the vendors.
So far the experience has been much better in general than past forays into using both Eclipse in general, CDT, and RDT (though that was quite a while ago for all of the above). I havent tried, but I don't think this version doesn't seem to have any particular support for rails, however I'm mostly doing quick algorithmic prototyping or utility scripts in Ruby.
One nice feature is the binding of build configurations to a specific ruby interpreter so, on my Mac, it's a nice way to develop and play around with an install of ruby 1.9. Also, I do like to support for unit tests and execution. It also automatically indexes and pulls up rdoc strings. Both nice touches, though I have yet to figure out if there's a way to configure a Ruby project to autorun the unit tests while you type or for every resource save.
The DTLK project in Eclipse is a smart project in that it seems to building a foundation of eclipse support for dynamic languages in general - and there has to be a lot of commonality there. So I'm looking forward to getting more comfortable in the DTLK Ruby environment.
I have some motiviation as I'm also trying out eclipse for embedded development using CDT configured with an embedded toolchain. Eclipse Ganymede is a much nicer enviroment for code browsing than many of the mini-embedded IDE's provided by the vendors.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Lego Sifting Box

I recently purchased a Lego organizing case for my son called Box4Blox. It was a little overpriced if one was comparing cost at the material level, but it had a great feature of being able to sift and grade Lego parts. The item has four trays with different sized gridded grilles underneath three of them. From top to bottom, the grills get increasingly smaller, sifting out larger Lego pieces and letting the smaller ones fall through. My only complaint is that the box wasn't larger for the price. Once a tray gets about 60% full, the "sifting-action" gets a little choked out. Overall the Box4Blox sifter is a great product. My son happily found a renewed interest in his Lego toys as soon as he was able to get to a wider array of different types and sizes of parts easily.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
U.S. Farmers Save By Installing Manure Digesters

Popular Mechanics has posted an article interviewing dairy farmer Shawn Saylor. Saylor describes the multiple benefits of the anarobic biodigester system he installed. I've always thought that there was an archetype of a small, savvy, independent citizen-farmer at the heart of the image of a pragmatic can-do attitude of America. It's great to see that showing in the article.
The digester system is fundamentally improving Saylor's bottom line dairy finances while providing a number of side benefits. For example, on the finance side, the digester provides electric, heat, and fertilizer. It makes him money by offsetting his electric bill, fuel for heat, in addition to putting electric back into the grid. Incidentally, it also reduces the dairy manure waste stream into the watershed while also diverting a lot of gases which would otherwise enter the atmosphere driving global climate change. I am speculating a little here on the overall benefit - the gases are still burnt, generating carbon dioxide, but I'm guessing that's less harmful that methane going directly into the atmosphere. The electricity put back into the grid would offset other carbon sources that would have been used anyway for the farm and his neighbors...
This installation was helped by a government grant partially offsetting the cost of the system. To me this is a great example of how government should be involved in accelerating common sense green technologies. Or in economic terms, reducing the cost of social externalities while improving the efficiency of businesses. The cost of the grant is offset by the long term efficiency in the dairy business which benefits the government in improved long term tax base.
(article from Popular Mechanics, Creative Commons photo from Flickr user foxypar4)
Monday, September 22, 2008
Residential Wind Turbines
EcoGeek has a comparative review of residential wind turbines. None of these turbines would be a single-item install to replace all your electricity use, but they're affordable and if your electricty structure is anything like mine, taking the most expensive tier out of the bill would actually give you a financial payback pretty fast. It's on my list of back-of-the-envelope modelling articles to post an analysis of just what the energy and financial return might be for installing one of these.
If you're interested in making some estimates yourself, the Energy department has some useful data for windspeeds at 30m altitudes. (30m! no wonder many cities don't encourage them in urban settings.) Alternately, if you're lucky, you might find data for a Weather Underground station near you - however, I think most stations are rooftop vs on a 30m pole and so may be much slower.
If you're interested in making some estimates yourself, the Energy department has some useful data for windspeeds at 30m altitudes. (30m! no wonder many cities don't encourage them in urban settings.) Alternately, if you're lucky, you might find data for a Weather Underground station near you - however, I think most stations are rooftop vs on a 30m pole and so may be much slower.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Miscellania: Basic Aerodynamics

For anyone with curious kids (or is a curious kid) who want to know more about how airplanes fly, NASA has posted some material in an index of informations meant for K-12 education. My favorite part is the FoilSim Java applet with controls and displays to illustrate what is going on with various parameters with a 2D airfoil.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Medical UAVs
This has to be one of the coolest UAV uses I've come across in a while - delivery of medical samples or critical supplies like snake anti-venom between remote locations and labs. New Scientist quotes TB researcher Ruth McNerney Ruth McNerney of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in the UK, "It's a very exciting idea. We need to know if it's reliable enough from a technological point of view, but we will only find out by trying." - an attitude which is far too short a supply in the world.
Of course this predates the truly important use of UAVs - who's willing to try UAV pizza delivery with me!
via New Scientist via Gizmodo
Of course this predates the truly important use of UAVs - who's willing to try UAV pizza delivery with me!
via New Scientist via Gizmodo
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Gov't Blocks Private Testing for Mad Cow Disease
I had intended to keep this blog mostly technical, but this just makes me angry. Creekstone Farms Premium Beef was blocked from performing "mad-cow" tests on 100% of its beef by U.S. Dept. of Agriculture and USDA. This is an issue that affects both free market practice within the the United States and an international competitiveness issue as Creekstone was trying to use the testing to increase its ability to sell its beef to other countries.
The authority to block the testing seems to be granted by a 1913 law allowing the USDA to regulate "treatment" of animals. The court accepts the argument of the government that treatment includes diagnosis and testing. The LegalTimes blog writes:
"There is a two- to eight-year incubation period for mad cow disease. Because most cattle slaughtered in the United States are less than 24 months old, the most common mad cow disease test is unlikely to catch the disease, the appeals court noted. If the government does not control the tests, the USDA is worried about beef exporters unilaterally giving consumers false assurance."
Here's where it gets at least a little technical. Maybe instead of blocking a company wanting to perform additional testing on it's products, the USDA should be advising the company how best to perform its testing. The language implies that there is a more accurate test for the disease - why not require the better test if they are concerned about false assurances. Or design an experimentally robust methodology to maybe hold back a few cows from slaughter to age them to maturity where the disease could be detected. Anything is better than willful ignorance of a fatal disease!
One technical aspect we have to come to grips with here is that in this case is that tests often aren't perfect. It's a wide problem. Almost all medical tests have statistical probabilities in at least four states:
Overall though, the actions of the government here seem particularly onerous when we lose an opportunity for government to work with a private company that seems willing to implement new approaches to at least characterize the rate of a serious disease. It also seems like the government values the profits of the beef industry over pushing forward to proactively address a public health concern. If the tests aren't perfect now, we should be able to create policy to handle the real complexities while allowing the free market to bring down costs of safer products.
Imagine if a government agency told one car manufacturer that it couldn't install seat belts and airbags because consumers might demand the additional safety procedures from other car makers. "Volvo, you are barred from putting traction control in your cars because Ford might be put at a disadvantage... " Shouldn't we be promoting a free market that actively competes on adding customer safety into products!
(From the Federal appeals court via the LegalTimes blog via Slashdot)
The authority to block the testing seems to be granted by a 1913 law allowing the USDA to regulate "treatment" of animals. The court accepts the argument of the government that treatment includes diagnosis and testing. The LegalTimes blog writes:
"There is a two- to eight-year incubation period for mad cow disease. Because most cattle slaughtered in the United States are less than 24 months old, the most common mad cow disease test is unlikely to catch the disease, the appeals court noted. If the government does not control the tests, the USDA is worried about beef exporters unilaterally giving consumers false assurance."
Here's where it gets at least a little technical. Maybe instead of blocking a company wanting to perform additional testing on it's products, the USDA should be advising the company how best to perform its testing. The language implies that there is a more accurate test for the disease - why not require the better test if they are concerned about false assurances. Or design an experimentally robust methodology to maybe hold back a few cows from slaughter to age them to maturity where the disease could be detected. Anything is better than willful ignorance of a fatal disease!
One technical aspect we have to come to grips with here is that in this case is that tests often aren't perfect. It's a wide problem. Almost all medical tests have statistical probabilities in at least four states:
- true positive: the cow has the disease and the test correctly identifies it
- true negative: the cow is disease free and the test correctly indicates this.
- false positive: the cow is disease free and the test incorrectly indicates that is diseased
- false negative: the cow is diseased and the test incorrectly indicates it's safe
Overall though, the actions of the government here seem particularly onerous when we lose an opportunity for government to work with a private company that seems willing to implement new approaches to at least characterize the rate of a serious disease. It also seems like the government values the profits of the beef industry over pushing forward to proactively address a public health concern. If the tests aren't perfect now, we should be able to create policy to handle the real complexities while allowing the free market to bring down costs of safer products.
Imagine if a government agency told one car manufacturer that it couldn't install seat belts and airbags because consumers might demand the additional safety procedures from other car makers. "Volvo, you are barred from putting traction control in your cars because Ford might be put at a disadvantage... " Shouldn't we be promoting a free market that actively competes on adding customer safety into products!
(From the Federal appeals court via the LegalTimes blog via Slashdot)
History of Agile Software Principles
In an article inside Crosstalk, the Air Force Journal of Software Engineering, Alistar Cockburn reviews a 1968 NATO software engineering conference. He observes that many of the core beliefs and techniques of the modern Agile software development movement aren't such recent developments after all. Both the 1968 conference and the Agile movement focus on the central effect of people over processes.
I understand that there is a strong temptation to develop processes with a mindset that success will result when all that is needed is to capture the collective history of all past processes within the current one. Over time, I believe that approach is guaranteed to be ineffective.
It's not that you don't want to develop processes, but if one focuses on the development of process before people, your process will build up unwieldyness, and the people applying it will either lose confidence in the process, or worse, may not recognize why the steps they are taking are going wrong. To capture knowledge of past projects, you need to allow time to writeup retrospectives. To transfer the knowledge, you want to encourage time for less-experienced engineers to talk and read about past projects. Then going forward, people are better informed to create and apply approaches to the problem at hand.
It takes people to figure out if things are working. For example, I don't think that most aerospace software development can blindly follow the iterate smaller / continuous flow focus of the current Agile software development. They need to consider that they're not purely software systems, and that costs of design-reversals can be much higher when hardware and physical environments are in play.
p.s. if you new to the term Agile Software development see the Agile Manifesto or search on "Agile Software", or "Lean Software" or post a comment.
I understand that there is a strong temptation to develop processes with a mindset that success will result when all that is needed is to capture the collective history of all past processes within the current one. Over time, I believe that approach is guaranteed to be ineffective.
It's not that you don't want to develop processes, but if one focuses on the development of process before people, your process will build up unwieldyness, and the people applying it will either lose confidence in the process, or worse, may not recognize why the steps they are taking are going wrong. To capture knowledge of past projects, you need to allow time to writeup retrospectives. To transfer the knowledge, you want to encourage time for less-experienced engineers to talk and read about past projects. Then going forward, people are better informed to create and apply approaches to the problem at hand.
It takes people to figure out if things are working. For example, I don't think that most aerospace software development can blindly follow the iterate smaller / continuous flow focus of the current Agile software development. They need to consider that they're not purely software systems, and that costs of design-reversals can be much higher when hardware and physical environments are in play.
p.s. if you new to the term Agile Software development see the Agile Manifesto or search on "Agile Software", or "Lean Software" or post a comment.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Ending Oil Dependence in Ten Years
I'll probably be trying to examine both Obama's and McCain's technology policies a little more closely, but for today, just a little note:
Last night, at the Democratic National Convention, Barack Obama's acceptance speech mentioned that he would set a goal to "in ten years, we will finally end our dependence on oil from the Middle East." The technologies Barak cited in the speech were numerous, but the first one mentioned was natural gas. Now most of our oil goes to transportation energy so could he have had natural gas vehicles in mind?
Last night, at the Democratic National Convention, Barack Obama's acceptance speech mentioned that he would set a goal to "in ten years, we will finally end our dependence on oil from the Middle East." The technologies Barak cited in the speech were numerous, but the first one mentioned was natural gas. Now most of our oil goes to transportation energy so could he have had natural gas vehicles in mind?
Monday, August 25, 2008
Lung Popping Wind Turbines
New Scientist writes on a report of wind turbines killing bats, two species in particular accounting for 60% of winged animal deaths. The bats lungs are apparently being damaged by the low-pressure region surrounding wind turbine blades.
Though one could trade off the cost-benefit of bat deaths vs general power generation pollution deaths, maybe we need to install ultra-sonic whistles on turbine blades. About 4,000 to 18,000 Hz might work. (and here).
Though one could trade off the cost-benefit of bat deaths vs general power generation pollution deaths, maybe we need to install ultra-sonic whistles on turbine blades. About 4,000 to 18,000 Hz might work. (and here).
Friday, August 22, 2008
Health and the Anti-Kidnapping RFID Implant
A Gizmodo article describes Radio-Frequency IDentification (RFID) tags being implanted into people as an anti-kidnapping measure by a company called Xega in Mexico. The system reportedly involves an external GPS unit keeping in contact with the RFID tag. Besides the problem of getting separated from the external GPS, there may be some health implications too. I don't know if Xega uses the same packaging/RF technologies a VeriChip, but there were studies linking RFID to "induced" tumors in mice, as described in this Salon article. Hmm, protection against kidnapping now, or possible cancer later - decsions, decisions...
Coverage on the RFID tags also on Slashdot here.
Coverage on the RFID tags also on Slashdot here.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
After a long intense period of focusing for a workplace milestone, I finally have some time to work on the Digikata site. The site has been re-hosted onto Blogger and Google Apps. On Digikata, I'll be posting notes about various topics of personal and some of professional interest to me. My profession is software engineering, and my specialty is in the aerospace industry. Educated as an aerospace engineer, I have a wide set of experience in software engineering, modeling and simulation, embedded hardware, and aerospace vehicles. I've been fortunate to not be one of those individuals who don't use anything covered in their college education - as a matter of fact, I've had a opportunity to use all the range of different skills that go into aerospace.
In terms of personal interests, in no particular order, those would be general tech geekery, math, economics, open source software, cooking, mountain biking, reading, personal finance, green tech, programming (ruby, web, C++, etc) and .. well ok, so basically, I'll be talking about whatever interests me. (Like the webcomic Xkcd).
In terms of personal interests, in no particular order, those would be general tech geekery, math, economics, open source software, cooking, mountain biking, reading, personal finance, green tech, programming (ruby, web, C++, etc) and .. well ok, so basically, I'll be talking about whatever interests me. (Like the webcomic Xkcd).
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